
Math Olympiad Grade 3 Fractions and Decimals Worksheet-3

Fractions & Decimals Worksheet-3


  1. Which option shows the following decimal numbers in order from least to greatest?

       1.06, 0.73, 1.21, 0.38

       A. 0.38, 0.73, 1.06, 1.21              B. 0.73, 0.38, 1.06, 1.21

       C. 0.38, 0.73, 1.21, 1.06              D. 1.21, 1.06, 0.73, 0.38


  1. Vansh has a bag that contains 3 red, l blue, 6 green and 2 yellow marbles. What fractional part of the bag of marbles is red?

       A. 1/12                B. 2/12               C. 3/12               D. 6/12


  1. The model is shaded to show which fraction?

       A. 1/4                  B. 3/4                 C. 1/3                  D. 2/3


  1. Which symbol should go in the box?

       0.06  □  0.6

       A. >                     B. =                     C. <                     D. none of the above

Click here for math practice tests on rounding

  1. Which model is shaded to show a fraction equivalent to 3/6?

       A.     B.     C.      D.


  1. The models are shaded to show which of the following?


       A. (1/3) = (2/4)                            B. (1/4) > (1/3)         

       C. (2/3) < (2/4)                            D. (2/4) < (2/3)


  1. Which option shows (1/20) as a decimal?

       A. 0.02               B. 0.05               C. 0.25               D. 0.5


  1. Evaluate the expression : (5/4) + (3/4)

       A. 2                      B. 3                    C. 3(1/2)            D. 3(1/4)


  1. What fraction does the shaded part represent?

       A. 3/5                 B. 2/5                 C. 3/10               D. 2/10


  1. Which of the following fraction has denominator 4?

       A. 42/7               B. 7/24               C. 9/4                 D. 4/9



(1)–A; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–D; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (10)–C