
Air and Water Worksheet-1

Air and water

  1. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A. Air is weightless

B. We can feel the air while riding a bicycle

C. Air occupies space


  1. On blowing air into a balloon it expands. This shows that:

A. Air has mass and occupies space

B. Air is invisible

C. Air is weightless

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  1. The given table contains some substances placed under the category: solids, liquids and gases. Which of the following is placed under wrong group?

A. Butter milk

B. Oxygen

C. Lemon juice


  1. Which of the following is INCORRECT?





  1. As we go higher from the earth:

A. The amount of air decreases

B. The amount of air increases

C. It will remain same


  1. When we put ice cubes into a jug of water, it floats on the water. Why?

A. Ice cubes are lighter than water

B. Ice cubes are heavier than water

C. Any of these


  1. The process of transformation (change) of water into water vapour is known as:

A. Condensation

B. Evaporation

C. Melting


  1. The process of transformation (change) of ice cubes into water is known as:

A. Freezing        B. Melting         C. Condensation


  1. Clouds are formed by:

A. Evaporation of water droplets

B. Freezing of water droplets

C. Condensation of water droplets


  1. Water exists is ___ states of matter.

A. Three             B. Two                C. Five


  1. Which of these shows the correct water level when a beaker of water is tilted?

A.       B.       C.


  1. The water used in washing fruits and vegetables can be reused for:

A. Watering plants

B. Cooking food

C. Washing hands and face


Observe the image carefully and answer the Q.13,14,15

  1. Ravi took two dishes and poured equal amount of water in them. He then placed the Dish A in Sunlight and the Dish B in a closed room. In which dish will the water evaporate faster?   

A. Dish B

B. Dish A

C. In both the dishes


  1. Which dish will contain more water after three hours?

A. Dish A

B. Dish B

C. Water will remain same in both the dishes


  1. From the given experiment, Ravi concluded that:

A. The rate of evaporation is slower in open area

B. The rate of evaporation is faster in closed area

C. The rate of evaporation is faster in open area


Answer Keys

(1)–A; (2)–A; (3)–C; (4)–A; (5)–A; (6)–A; (7)–B; (8)–B; (9)–C; (10)–A; (11)–B; (12)–A; (13)–B; (14)–B; (15)–C