
The Universe Worksheet-10

The Universe Worksheet-10


  1. Which of the following represents one day?

A. Amount of time taken by the Earth to complete a revolution around the Sun

B. Amount of time taken by the moon to complete a revolution around the Earth

C. Amount of time taken by the Earth to complete a rotation on its axis

D. Amount of time taken by the Sun to complete a rotation on its axis


  1. _____ is the coldest planet of the solar system.

A. Earth             B. Saturn           C. Neptune        D. Mercury.


  1. Earth is a beautiful planet. Which of the following statement is/are INCORRECT for Earth.

A. The outer surface is called core and inside is called the crust

B. Inside the Earth, there is high temperature and pressure and molten material

C. Between the outer surface and inside of the Earth, there are layers of rocks and minerals

D. Earth was born as a huge ball of dust and hot gases.


  1. What happens on the Northern Hemisphere when the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun?

A. Cold               B. Winter           C. Summer        D. None of the above


  1. Which inner planet does not have an atmosphere?

A. Venus            B. Mars              C. Mercury        D. Earth


  1. How many satellites does Mars have?

A. One                B. Two                C. Three             D. Four


  1. Select the correct definition of planet.

A. A large object in space that revolves around a star

B. A large object in space that revolves around a moon

C. A large object in space that revolves around a anything

D. A tiny object in space that revolves around a anything


  1. A group of star forming a pattern is shown below. Such kind of group of star are called ____.

A. Star                                           B. Planet

C. Constellation                            D. Group


  1. Which of the following layers of the earth has hot trapped gases and liquids at high temperature and pressure?

A. Crust              B. Soil                 C. Mantle           D. Core


  1. Which of the following is not a part of the solar system?

A. Earth             B. Moon             C. Jupiter          D. Pole star


Answer Key:

(1)–C; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–D; (10)–D