
Antonyms Study Notes-12

Antonyms Worksheet-12


  1. close × distant

close – to make the distance or difference between two people or things together

example – I stay close to the market.

distant – far away in space or time

example – She could just hear the distant sound of traffic.


  1. gather × distribute

gather – to come together or to bring things together in one place to form a group

example – She gathered up the beads of her broken necklace.

distribute – to share something between a number of people

example – The teacher distributed the copies to the students.


  1. scatter × collect

scatter – to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground

example – The farmer scattered the seeds over the farm.

collect – to bring things together from different people or places

example – I like to collect coins from all over the world.


  1. speaker × listener

speaker – a person who gives a talk or makes a speech

example – My boss is a brilliant public speaker.

listener – a person who listens

example – All the listeners were convinced by my opinions.


  1. danger × safety

danger – the possibility of something happening that will injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy something

example – Doctor said that the patient is now out of danger.

safety – the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm

example – Some parents are worried about the safety of their children in the school buses.


  1. rapid × slow

rapid – done or happening very quickly

example – The child made a rapid recovery from his illness.

slow – not moving, acting or done quickly

example – She is always slow in writing.


  1. ancient × modern

ancient – belonging to a period of history

example – Taj Mahal is one of the ancient buildings in India.

modern – of the present time or recent times

example – Yesterday I read about modern history.


  1. clockwise × anti-clockwise

clockwise – moving around in the same direction as the hands of a clock

example – Turn the key clockwise to lock the door.

anti-clockwise – in the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock

example – Turn the screw anticlockwise to unlock the door.


  1. combine × separate

combine – to come together to form a single thing or group

example – I want a job that combines my computer skills with my creativity

separate – not joined to something else

example – They have been admitted to separate schools.


  1. maximum × minimum

maximum – as large, fast, etc. as is possible, or the most that is possible or allowed

example – This auditorium has a maximum seating capacity of about 200 students.

minimum – the smallest that is possible or allowed; extremely small

example – They must get a minimum of 40 answers right to pass the examination.