
Antonyms Study Notes-11

Antonyms Worksheet-11


  1. dangerous × safe

dangerous – likely to injure or harm somebody, or to damage or destroy something

example – It’s dangerous to go there alone at night.

safe – protected from any danger or harm

example – Ahmedabad is a very safe city even at night.


  1. destroy × create

destroy – to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.

example – The hotel was completely destroyed in fire.

create – to make something happen or exist

example – The CEO of the company wants to create more jobs.


  1. strengthen × weaken

strengthen – to become or to make something or somebody stronger

example – Exercise will strengthen your muscles.

weaken – to become or to make somebody or something less strong or powerful

example – Nothing should weaken your spirit to achieve your goals.


  1. swift × slow

swift – happening or done quickly and immediately

example – He is a swift runner.

slow – not moving, action or done quickly

example – The toy train goes at a slow speed.


  1. tough × tender

tough – difficult to cut or chew

example – The reptile’s skin is tough and scaly.

tender – easy to bite through and cut

example – Boil the potatoes until they are tender.


  1. vacant × occupied

vacant – empty; not being used

example – The toilet is vacant now.

occupied – being used by somebody

example – This toy will keep the kids occupied the entire afternoon.


  1. victory × defeat

victory – success in a game, an election, a war, etc.

example – The team is confident of victory in the next tournament.

defeat – to win against somebody in a war, competition, sports game, etc.

example – It was another defeat for the Convent basket ball team.


  1. violent × gentle

violent – involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill somebody

example – There was a violent storm on Friday.

gentle – having only a small effect; not strong or violent

example – We should be gentle and kind to the children.


  1. artificial × natural

artificial – made or produced to copy something natural; not real

example – There is an artificial lake near my cousin’s house.

natural – existing in nature; not made or caused by humans

example – Wool is a natural fibre.


  1. calm × agitated

calm – not excited, nervous or upset

example – We should try to remain calm in any emergency.

agitated – worry and anxiety that you show by behaving in a nervous way

example – When I told her the truth, she got agitated.