
Tense mixed review Worksheet-19

Tense mixed review Worksheet-19


Use the simple past or the past perfect tense as needed:

  1. Sonal ____ me for all I had done.

A. Was thanked                            B. Thanked

C. Had thanked                             D. Has thanked


  1. Mother ____ the food before the guests arrived.

A. Cooked                                       B. Have cooked

C. Was cooked                              D. Had cooked


  1. The bell rang after everyone _____ in a line.

A. Was stood                                 B. Were stood

C. Had stood                                  D. Have stood


  1. After we had settled in Mumbai, our friends _____ to meet us.

A. Were came                                B. Has come

C. Came                                          D. Have come


  1. The boys _____ for two hours when it started raining.

A. Were played                             B. Have played

C. Has played                                D. Had played


  1. The train had left the station before my friends _____.

A. Had arrived                              B. Arrived

C. Have arrived                             D. Has arrived


  1. I told my friend that I ___ already ____ the movie.

A. Had…watched                          B. Has…watched

C. Was…watched                         D. Am…watched


  1. The sun ____ when we reached our destination.

A. Has set          B. Have set        C. Had set          D. Will set


  1. The prayer meeting had started before the Chief Guest ____.

A. Came             B. Had come     C. Was come     D. Have come


  1. Mother ____ us her blessing before she left.

A. Has given      B. Had given     C. Have given   D. Has gave


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.