
Perfect present tenses Worksheet-3

Perfect present tenses Worksheet-3


Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect tense form:

  1. M.S. Dhoni ____ the Indian team for many years.

A. Is having led                             B. Had led

C. Have led                                    D. Has led


  1. The workers ____ the boss for a raise.

A. Is having asked                        B. Have asked

C. Has asked                                  D. Had asked


  1. Our teacher ____ to the director of the zoo.

A. Is having written                     B. Has written

C. Has wrote                                  D. Had written


  1. The tailor ____ my clothes.

A. Is having stitched                    B. Had stitched

C. Have stitched                           D. Has stitched


  1. Our gardener ____ all the plants.

A. Have watered                           B. Is having watered

C. Has watered                             D. Had watered


  1. Hurry up! The peon ___ already ____the bell.

A. Is having rang                          B. Has rung

C. Had rung                                   D. Has rang


  1. Question#:  Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect tense form:

Oh no! I’m not ready and the guests ___ already ____!

A. Have…arrived                          B. Had …arrived

C. Has …arrived                           D. Is having …arrived


  1. Come on! The plane ____!

A. Have landed                             B. Is having landed

C. Had landed                               D. Has landed


  1. ____ you ____ my car keys?

A. Has…seen                                  B. Have…seen

C. Had…seen                                 D. Is having…seen


  1. I ____ my lessons. May I go and play now?

A. Is having read                          B. Have read

C. Had read                                   D. Has read


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has led’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have asked’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has written’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. D

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has stitched’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. C

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has watered’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has rung’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. A

Explanation: Since the subject is plural, ‘have…arrived’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. D

Explanation: Since the subject is singular, ‘has landed’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is ‘you’, ‘have…seen’ is the correct present perfect tense form.


  1. B

Explanation: Since the subject is ‘I’, ‘have read’ is the correct present perfect tense form.