
Multiple & Factors Worksheet-6

Multiple & Factors Worksheet-6


  1. What is the least common multiple of 9 and 12?

A. 18                   B. 45                   C. 36                   D. 27


  1. What is the Least Common Multiple of 15 and 30?

A. 15                   B. 45                   C. 60                   D. 30


  1. Which is a prime number?

A. 4                     B. 5                      C. 6                     D. 8


  1. Which number is neither a prime nor a composite?

A. 5                      B. 15                    C. 1                      D. 2


  1. Which option shows factors of 16?

A. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16                               B. 1, 5, 10, 15, 20

C. 1, 3, 6, 12, 14                             D. 1, 2, 5, 10, 15


  1. Which option shows the prime factorization of 24?

A. 3×2×3×5      B. 2×3×5           C. 2×2×2×6      D. 2×2×2×3


  1. Which shows the prime factorization for 36?

A. 2×2×3×5                                   B. 2×2×3×3

C. 2×2×3×3                                   D. 2×3×3×3


  1. There are few cards on Pooja's table. She can divide those cards into

groups of 4 cards or groups of 5 cards. Which of the following is a possible number of cards she has on the table?

A. 15                    B. 12                    C. 20                   D. 24


  1. What are the factors of 25?

A. 1, 5, 25           B. 1, 3, 5, 25      C. 1, 5                  D. 1, 25


  1. Which option below shows the prime factorization of 36?

A. 2×2×3×3                                   B. 2×3×3×3

C. 2×3×3                                        D. 2×2×3×3×3


Answer Key:

(11)-C; (12)-D; (13)-B; (14)-C; (15)-A; (16)-D; (17)-C; (18)-C; (19)-A; (20)-A