
Numbers Worksheet-18

Numbers Worksheet-18


  1. Which statement is TRUE?

(a) Zero is both, a positive and negative number.

(b) Every positive integer is smaller than any negative integer.

(c) Positive integers are all the whole numbers smaller than zero.

(d) Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater than zero.


  1. What is an absolute value of an integer?

(a) The number of units a number is from one on the number line.

(b) The number of units a number is from zero on the number line.

(c) The product of two positive integers.

(d) The product of two positive integers.


  1. Which is correct?

(a) –8 = 8          (b) –6 < –9       (c) 5 > –7           (d) 4 < –3


  1. What is the opposite of –13?

(a) 31                  (b) 13                  (c) –31                (d) –12


  1. What is the absolute value of |–4|?

(a) 4                    (b) 3                    (c) –3                 (d) 0


  1. Which statement is CORRECT?

(a) Negative times positive gives positive.

(b) Multiplying 2 positives gives a negative.

(c) Multiplying 2 negatives gives a positive.

(d) All of these


  1. Which is correct?

(a) 5 × –3 = –15                           (b) –4 × –4 = –16

(c) –5 × 4 = 20                             (d) –3 × 4 = 12


  1. The temperature at 5:00 P.M. was 0°C. If the temperature is dropping 2° per hour, what was the temperature 9 hours ago?

(a) –18 °C          (b) –11 °C          (c) 18 °C             (d) –7 °C


  1. Simplify: |–42|/7

(a) 6                    (b) –6                 (c) 7                    (d) 0


  1. Solve: (8 – 17) ÷ (10 – 7)

(a) 3                    (b) 9                    (c) –5                 (d) –3


  1. Which of these numbers lies to the right of −3 on a number line?

(a) –5 and –4   (b) –9 and 0     (c) –2 and –1    (d) None of these


  1. Find the absolute value of |–16|.

(a) –16               (b) 6                   (c) 8                    (d) 16


  1. Solve: |9| + |–15|

(a) 6                   (b) 24                 (c) –6                 (d) –24


  1. Which statement is CORRECT?

(a) Numbers that lie to the right on the number line are smaller than numbers that lie to the left.

(b) Numbers that lie to the left on the number line are greater than numbers that lie to the right.

(c) Numbers that lie to the left on the number line are smaller than numbers that lie to the right.

(d) −4 lies to the right of 4.


  1. A submerged island is 20 feet below the sea level. There is a 56 feet tall tree on that submerged island. Which expression can you use to find the height of that tree from the sea level?

(a) –20 – 56     (b) 20 – 56        (c) –20 + 56     (d) 20 + 56


  1. What integer is 3 units less than 2?

(a) –1                  (b) –3                 (c) 5                    (d) –2


  1. Which of these is correct?

(a) –4 – (–6) = 2                          (b) –4 – (–6) = –10

(c) –4 – (2) = 2                             (d) –4 – (–6) = –2


  1. Solve: (–12) – (–7) = ?

(a) 84                  (b) –19               (c) 5                    (d) –5


  1. Which of the following will have a quotient equal to −7?

(a) –56 ÷ –8     (b) –56 ÷ 8

(c) 56 ÷ –8        (d) Both, –56 ÷ 8 and –56 ÷ 8


  1. Which of the following will have an answer equal to 12?

(a) –3 – 9          (b) –3 (–4)         (c) –4 + 8          (d) –1(12)


Answer Key:

(1)-(d); (2)-(b); (3)-(c); (4)-(b); (5)-(a); (6)-(c); (7)-(a); (8)-(c); (9)-(a); (10)-(d); (11)-(c); (12)-(d); (13)-(b); (14)-(c); (15)-(c); (16)-(a); (17)-(a); (18)-(d); (19)-(d); (20)-(b)