
Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-1

Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-1


Fill in the blank:

  1. The period of life, when the body, leading to reproductive maturity, is called ______.

  2. Voice box is also called ______.

  3. The protruding part of larynx in throat is called _____. 

  4. Sweat glands and sebaceous glands are located in _____.

  5. Glands that release their secretions through ducts known as ____ glands.

  6. ______ gland release hormones directly into the bloodstream.

  7. The testes begin to produce _____ during puberty.

  8. Testes and _____are the reproductive organs.

  9. The features help to distinguish the male from the female are called ___ characters.

  10. ______ are chemical substances secreted by endocrine gland.

  11. The ______ hormone released by the testes

  12. Ovaries produce the hormones progesterone and ______.

  13. The production of sex hormones is under the control of another hormone secreted from an endocrine gland called ____ gland.

  14. _____ cycle occurs once in about 28 to 30 days in female on attaining puberty.

  15. The first menstrual flow begins at puberty and is termed _____.

  16. Stoppage of menstruation is termed ______.

  17. All human beings have ______ pairs of chromosomes in the nuclei of their cells.

  18. Thyroid gland produces the hormones calcitonin and _____.

  19. Pancreas produces the hormones glucagen ______.

  20. _____ gland produces the hormone adrenalin.

  21. Pituitary secretes ______ which is necessary for the normal growth of a person.

  22. In a frog, metamorphosis is controlled by ______ hormone.

  23. Thyroxine production requires the presence of _____ minerals in diet.

  24. AIDS is caused by a dangerous virus, ______.



  1. Adolescence

  2. Larynx

  3. Adam’s apple

  4. Skin

  5. Exocrine

  6. Endocrine

  7. Sperms

  8. Ovaries

  9. Secondary sexual

  10. Hormones

  11. Testosterone

  12. Estrogen

  13. Pituitary

  14. Menstruation

  15. Menarche

  16. Menopause

  17. 23

  18. Thyroxine

  19. Insulin

  20. Adrenal

  21. Growth hormone

  22. Thyroxine

  23. Iodine

  24. HIV