
English Olympiad Grade 3 Worksheet-12

English Grammar Worksheet-12


  1. Tall and short are____.

A. synonyms                                  B. antonyms

C. homophones                             D. none of these


  1. The word, beautiful, is an example of______.

A. an adjective                               B. an adverb

C. a verb                                         D. a noun


  1. Mark the greeting that is correct.

A. Dear Grandma                        B. Dear, Grandma

C. Dear, Grandma,                      D. Dear Grandma,

See more grammar worksheets for articles

  1. Warm and cold are_____.

A. synonyms                                 B. antonyms

C. homophones                             D. none of these


  1. What is the noun in this sentence ?

The two children walked to the store.

A. two                 B. children        C. store               D. none of these


  1. Which word is a verb?

A. clock              B. pretty             C. snake             D. swims


  1. The art student ______a picture of me. (Past tense)

A. paints            B. painted          C. will paint      D. none of these


  1. A sentence that makes a statement, is called a                       .

A. Declarative Sentence              B. Interrogative Sentence

C. Exclamatory Sentence           D. none of these


  1. We _____the dirty truck. (Present tense)

A. wash              B. washed                   C. will wash      D. none of these


  1. Which definition below describes a telling sentence?

A. A telling sentence asks a question.

B. A telling sentence makes a statement.

C. A telling sentence shows strong feelings.

D. none of these


  1. Everyone selected to serve on this jury ____to be willing to give up a lot of time.

A. has                 B. have               C. had                 D. was


  1. Mamta's grandmother ____from Brazil.

A. am                  B. was                 C. were               D. none of these


  1. On Friday, I_____ to the movies with my family. (Future tense)

A. goes                B. went               C. will go            D. none of these


  1. Which is a complete sentence?

A. The big red truck.          B. Suman fell asleep.

C. Went to the store.          D. The really fat and scary monster.


  1. Choose the correct way to write the following:

dear mom

A. Dear, mom   B. Dear mom,   C. Dear, Mom  D. Dear Mom,


Answer Keys

(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–B; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–A; (10)–B; (11)–A; (12)–B; (13)–C; (14)–B; (15)–D