
Reproduction in plants Worksheet-5

Reproduction in plants Worksheet-5


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. The two essential reproductive parts of a flower are:

(a) calyx and corolla                        (b) pistil and stamens

(c) corolla and ovary                       (d) corolla and stamens


  1. Plants are said to be more pure in their reproduction than animals.  This is because plants:

(a) reproduce vegetatively             (b) reproduce by means of seeds

(c) have more stable genes            (d) are cross-pollinated


  1. Sexual Reproduction in plants can be grouped into _____ distinct stages.

(a) Three              (b) Two                (c) Five                 (d) Four


  1. Hydra reproduces asexually by:

(a) Binary fission                              (b) Vegetative propagation

(c) Budding                                      (d) Multiple fission


  1. In which of the following plants, the site of origin of new plants is node?

(a) Rhizome ginger                          (b) Potato tuber

(c) Onion bulb                                 (d) All of these


  1. Which of the following have the propagules of ginger?

(a) Bulbil              (b) Rhizome         (c) Bulb                (d) Runner


  1. The part of the plant that houses the ovule or egg is called the:

(a) Style               (b) Petal               (c) Filament         (d) Ovary


  1. Flowers that contain both stamens and pistil on different areas of a flower are called:

(a) Perfect flowers                           (b) Total flowers

(c) Imperfect flowers                       (d) Complete flowers


  1. The part of a flowering plant that contains pollen is called the:

(a) Style               (b) Filament        (c) Anther            (d) Stigma


  1. This part of a flower is often scented and attracts insects.

(a) Sepal              (b) Petal               (c) Ovary             (d) Carpel


Answer Key:

  1. (B)
  2. (A)
  3. (A)
  4. (C)
  5. (D)
  6. (B)
  7. (D)
  8. (A)
  9. (C)
  10. (B)
  11. (C)
  12. (A)
  13. (A)
  14. (D)
  15. (A)