


  • The word ‘polymer’ comes from two Greek words; poly meaning many and mer meaning part/unit. So, a polymer is made of many repeating units.
  • Synthetic polymers are formed by chemical reactions in which a large number of molecules called monomers are joined sequentially, forming a chain.
  • Polymers also occur naturally. Some of the naturally occurring polymers are: proteins, starches, cellulose, and latex.
  • Wood and stems of plants are made up of the polymer called cellulose.
  • Cellulose is also what makes fibers like cotton and hemp which can be twisted into threads and weaved into clothing.
  • Starch is also one of the naturally occurring polymers. It is found in Potatoes, corn, rice, and grains.
  • The monomer unit of both Starch and Cellulose is glucose.
  • Fibres are drawn out into long threads or filaments, usually by spinning methods.