
Multiplication and Division Worksheet-7

Multiplication & Division Worksheet-7


  1. Jack's grandfather's age divided by 14 is 6. How old is Jack's grandfather?

A. 56                   B. 86                   C. 78                   D. 84


  1. There were 53 crackers on a table for 10 children. If each child ate the same number of whole crackers, how many whole crackers did each child eat?

A. 4                     B. 5                      C. 3                     D. 6


  1. 320 ÷ 6 is approximately _____.

A. 40                   B. 50                   C. 48                   D. 60

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  1. Find the quotient.


A. 3.4                  B. 4.5                  C. 4.3                  D. 4.4


  1. Mr. Jack worked 216 hours in 24 days. He worked the same number of hours each day. How many hours did he work each day?

A. 8 hours                                      B. 9 hours

C. 12 hours                                     D. 11 hours


  1. Tinu's cat ate 42 cans of food in 6 weeks. If the cat ate the equal number of cans of food each week, how many cans of food did the cat eat in a week?

A. 6                     B. 8                     C. 9                     D. 7


  1. Find the quotient.


A. 6.6                  B. 7.4                 C. 4.6                  D. 6.4


  1. Estimate the quotient.

222 ÷ 4

A. 30                   B. 65                   C. 50                   D. 40


  1. To get 70 as the quotient, which number is to be divided by 5?

A. 14                    B. 335                 C. 32                   D. 350


  1. 22.5 ÷ 5 = ?

A. 0.45               B. 4.5                  C. 2.5                  D. 45


Answer Keys

(1)–D; (2)–B; (3)–B; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–D; (7)–D; (8)–C; (9)–D; (10)–B