
Animal Life Worksheet-9

Animal Life Worksheet-9


  1. The herd of lion is called _____.

A. Mane                                         B. Badger

C. Pride                                          D. Mink.


  1. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. Squirrel's front teeth keep growing throughout their life

B. Snakes have sharp curved teeth to chew their prey

C. Cows have short front teeth for snipping grass

D. Cats have sharp teeth for tearing and cutting meat.


  1. Dolphin is ____.

A. A mammal                                B. An egg laying animal

C. A fish                                          D. An animal


  1. During the second stage of metamorphosis, butterfly's eggs turn into ____.

A. Pupa              B. Wings            C. Adult              D. Caterpillar


  1. What are the sensory organs?

A. Organs that collect water.    B. Organs that collect information.

C. Organs that collect food.       D. Organs that are used for breathing.


  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of fish?

A. They have streamlined body for swimming.

B. They are cold blooded animals.

C. They use their fins for catching their prey.

D. They are vertebrate animals.


  1. Which one is not an example of mammal?

A. Cow                B. Crow              C. Cat                 D. Gorilla


  1. Plants are classified as _____ in nature.

A. Producers                                 B. Consumers  

C. Decomposers                           D. Material


  1. Bones in animal's body are part of its _____

A. Digestive system                      B. Nervous system

C. Skeletal system                        D. Circulatory system


  1. Which of the following reproduces by laying eggs?

A.                              B.

C.                                  D.


Answer Key:

(1)–C; (2)–B; (3)–A; (4)–D; (5)–B; (6)–C; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–C; (9)–A