
Science olympiad grade 3 Worksheet-1

Science olympiad grade 3 Worksheet-1


  1. The measure of how much space something takes up is called:

(A) Mass            (B) Weight        (C) Density        (D) Volume


  1. During precipitation water changes from a liquid to a gas called water vapor.

(A) True             (B) False


  1. Evaporation is the process that causes dew to form.

(A) True             (B) False

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  1. The at the Earth's surface determines the form of precipitation.

(A) water cycle

(B) Condensation

(C) temperature

Science olympiad worksheet grade 3

  1. Wind and the________ energy cause evaporation as water moves through the water cycle.

(A) sun's            (B) water's        (C) vapor's


  1. Water that collects in spaces between underground rocks is called ____.

(A) groundwater

(B) ocean water

(C) water vapor

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  1. Anything that has mass and takes up space is

(A) matter         (B) density         (C) magnetic

(D) conductive


  1. Which one is a unit of mass?

(A) gram            (B) degree         (C) centimeter  (D) inch


Answer Keys

(1)–D; (2)–B; (3)–B; (4)–C; (5)–A; (6)–A; (7)–A; (8)–A