
The Universe Worksheet-9

The Universe Worksheet-9


  1. In astronomical terms, our Sun is a ______.

A. Planet            B. Moon             C. Fire ball                  D. Star


  1. There is life on the Earth because ____.

(i) Of its position from the Sun.

(ii) Of its atmosphere.

(iii) Of the right amount of gases.

(iv) Of the abundance of water.

A. (i) only                                       B. (i), (ii) & (iii)

C. (i), (iii) & (iv)                            D. All of these.


  1. The different horoscope Sun signs in India are named after the ____.

A. Galaxies        B. Star                C. Moon             D. Constellations.


  1. Which line divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemisphere?

A. Tropic of Cancer                     B. The Equator

C. Tropic of Capricorn                D. Antarctic Circle


  1. Which planets are gaseous in structure and also known as gas giants?

A. Inner planets                            B. Outer planets

C. Red planets                               D. Saturn and Jupiter


  1. Which of these does not have any satellite?

A. Mercury        B. Venus            C. Mars              D. Mercury and Venus


  1. Which planet has the highest number of known satellites? This planet has sixty-three known satellites.

A. Uranus          B. Saturn           C. Jupiter          D. Neptune


  1. Which of the following is the largest planet?

A. Mercury        B. Earth             C. Sun                 D. Jupiter


  1. The earth rotates from ____.

A. East to West                             B. North to South

C. South to North                         D. West to East


  1. Mercury can be seen only in the morning and evening because __.

A. It is very close to the sun

B. It is very small

C. It is very hot

D. It does not have any light of its own


Answer Key:

(1)–D; (2)–D; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–B; (6)–D; (7)–C; (8)–D; (9)–D; (10)–A