
The Universe Worksheet-1

The Universe Worksheet-1


  1. What are the asteroids?

(a) Large, gaseous objects that orbit the Sun.

(b) Tiny object that shoot through atmosphere.

(c) Small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun.

(d) Small, rocky objects that orbit the planets.


  1. What is the name of the galaxy we live in?

(a) Solar System                           (b) Milky Way

(c) Andromeda                             (d) NGC 4414


  1. What is the shape of Milky Way galaxy?

(a) Spiral           (b) Circle           (c) Cubical        (d) Hexagonal


  1. How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?

(a) 30 days        (b) 24 days        (c) 27.3 days     (d) 28 days


  1. Approximately how many stars are there in The Milky Way galaxy?

(a) One thousands                        (b) Only one. The Sun

(c) Hundred thousands               (d) Billions


  1. What are the inner planets?

(a) Planets that lie outside the asteroid belt.

(b) Planets that lie inside the asteroid belt.

(c) Planets that lie inside the Pluto's orbit.

(d) Planets that lie outside the Pluto's orbit.


  1. Which of the following are the outer planets?

(a) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Earth

(b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

(c) Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

(d) Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Neptune


  1. What are the characteristics of the outer planets?

(a) They are bright in color.               

(b) They are darker in color.

(c) They are large, cold and gaseous.

(d) They are warm and small with solid, rocky crusts.


  1. Which two forces keep planets in its orbit?

(a) Gravity and Magnetic pull

(b) Magnetic pull and inertia

(c) Gravity and inertia

(d) Gravity and solar wind


  1. What will happen if a planet loses its inertia?

(a) It will fall into the Sun

(b) It will fall into the asteroid belt

(c) It will fly off the solar system

(d) It will break into small objects


Answer Key:

(1)–(c); (2)–(b); (3)–(a); (4)–(c); (5)–(d); (6)–(b); (7)–(b); (8)–(c); (9)–(c); (10)–(a)