
Work and Energy Worksheet-1

Work and Energy Worksheet-1


  1. Work is measured as a product of ............... and ..............


  1. The work done on a body moving in a circular path is ..............


  1. 1 joule is the work done when a force of one .............. moves an object through a distance of one ............ in the direction of ............


  1. The ability of a body to do work is called ..................... The ability of a body to do work because of its  motion is called ................


  1. The sum of the potential and kinetic energies of a body is called ............... energy.


  1. Power is the rate of doing .............


  1. 1 watt is a rate of working of one ............... per ..............


  1. The electricity meter installed in our home measures electric energy in the units of................


  1. The principle of ................ of energy says that energy can be ............... from one form to another, but it cannot be .................. or .................


  1. When a ball is thrown upwards, ............. energy is transformed into ................ energy.



  1. force; distance

  2. zero

Explanation: Work = Force × Displacement and in a circular path if the initial and final points are same then displacement is 0 hence work done is also 0.

  1. newton; metre; force

  2. energy; kinetic energy

  3. mechanical

  4. Work

  5. joule; second

  6. kWh

  7. conservation; transformed; created; destroyed

  8. kinetic; potential