
Electricity Worksheet-4

Electricity Worksheet-4


  1. The cations are :

(a) positively charged                  (b) negatively charged

(c) neutral                                      (d) none of these


  1. A liquid which conducts electricity and at the same time undergoes a chemical reaction is called:

(a) conducting liquid

(b) chemically conducting liquid

(c) electrolyte

(d) none of these


  1. The given symbol represents :

(a) cells in series                           (b) cells in parallel

(c) cells in mixed circuit             (d) cells in mixed circuit


  1. The given symbol represents :

(a) cells in mixed circuit             (b) cells in series

(c) cells in parallel                       (d) none of these


  1. The emf of a bichromate cell is about :

(a) 1.75 V           (b) 1.50 V           (c) 1.25 V           (d) 2.00 V


  1. Bichromate cell is not commonly used because it contains :

(a) a liquid which is corrosive in nature

(b) a liquid which is poisonous in nature

(c) a liquid which is explosive in nature

(d) both a liquid which is corrosive and poisonous in nature


  1. Polarisation in simple voltaic cell can be covercome by :

(a) using chemical means          (b) using physical means

(c) using pure copper plate        (d) using pure zinc plate


  1. The chemical substances used for eliminating polarisation in simple voltaic cell are called :

(a) oxidising agents

(b) reducing agents

(c) depolorisers

(d) both oxidising agents and reducing agents


  1. In a simple voltaic cell, the negative plate consists of :

(a) copper          (b) zinc               (c) lead               (d) tin


  1. In a simple voltaic cell, the positive plate consists of :

(a) zinc               (b) lead              (c) tin                  (d) copper


Answer Key:

  1. (a)
  2. (c)
  3. (a)
  4. (c)
  5. (d)
  6. (d)
  7. (a)
  8. (d)
  9. (b)
  10. (d)