
Noun - Singular and Plural Notes-1

Noun - Singular and Plural Notes-1


Nouns - Singular and Plural:

Tina : Mom, Can I have a new pencil for my exam?

Mother : Yes Tina, you can have not only one pencil but eight pencils.

Tina : Mom, why have you used the words pencil and pencils?

Mother : Tina, when we talk about one person or thing it is singular and when we talk about more than one it is plural.

Tina : Singular and Plural? Mom, can you please explain it

Mother : Sure Tina, I will.


Singular and Plural Nouns:

Singular nouns are nouns that name a person, a place or a thing.

 a mug                            a dog
   a toy                            a pen

They are all singular nouns.


Plural nouns are nouns that name more than one person, place, or thing.

      Mugs                               Toys
            Dogs                         Pens


They are all plural nouns.



  1. Some singular nouns can be changed to their plural form by adding 's' at the end of the word.
Apple                          Apples
    Book                       Books
 Chair                         Chairs
  Rose                          Roses


  1. Singular nouns ending with hissing sounds like s, ss, x, sh, or ch can be changed to their plural form by adding ‘es’ at the end of the word.
    Box                                Boxes
  Watch                         Watches
      Dish                            Dishes
        Brush                       Brushes


  1. Singular nouns ending in ‘y’ (consonant before ‘y’) can be changed to their plural form by replacing  ‘y’ by ‘ies’.
    Baby                           Babies
      Firefly                     Fireflies
      Lily                             Lilies
     Fairy                      Fairies


  1. Singular nouns ending in ‘y’ (vowel before ‘y’) can be changed to their plural form by adding ‘s’ at the end of the word.
      Monkey                   Monkeys
     Donkey                   Donkeys
   Boy                                  Boys

Practice Exercise

Change these singular words into plural.
  1. The plural form of chimney is: ____
  1. The plural form of watch is: ____
  1. The plural form of cherry is: ____
  1. The plural form of peach is: ____
  1. The plural form of witch is: ____



  1. Chimneys

  2. Watches

  3. Cherries

  4. Peaches

  5. Witches


Click here for Exercise-1



