
Solar System Worksheet-2

Solar System Worksheet-2


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. How many planets move around the sun in their fixed path?

(a) five                         (b) eight                       (c) seven


  1. Almost every planet has a ______ that revolves around it.

(a) satellite                  (b) star                         (c) sun


  1. Which of the following is a huge ball of fire?

(a) Satellite                 (b) Sun                         (c) Moon


  1. Which of the following gives us heat and light?

(a) Satellite                 (b) Sun                         (c) Moon


  1. Which of the following is present at the centre of our solar system?

(a) Earth                     (b) Sun                         (c) Venus


  1. Which of the following planet is closest to the sun?

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Which of the following is the smallest planet in the solar system?

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Which of the following is the second planet in the solar system?

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Which of the following planet is called the evening star?

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


  1. Which of the following is the hottest planet of all the planets?

(a) Mercury                (b) Venus                    (c) Mars


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-A; (3)-B; (4)-B; (5)-B; (6)-A; (7)-A; (8)-B; (9)-B; (10)-B