
Sound Worksheet-1

Sound Worksheet-1


  1. Time taken by an object to complete one oscillation is called______.


  1. Loudness is determined by the _____ of vibration.


  1. The unit of frequency is ______.


  1. Unwanted sound is called ______.


  1. Shrillness of a sound is determined by the ______ of vibration.


  1. The numbers of oscillations in one second are called____.


  1. The hearing range of human ears is______.


  1. Sound cannot travel in ______.


  1. Sound can travel in ___, ___ and ____ medium.


  1. Math the following:



  1. time period

  2. Amplitude

  3. Hertz

  4. Noise

  5. Frequency

  6. Frequency

  7. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz

  8. Vacuum

  9. solids, liquids, gases

  10. A–S, B–T, C–P, D–Q, E–R