
Stars and The Solar System Worksheet-5

Stars and The Solar System Worksheet-5


  1. Expand ISRO.

(a) International Society for Research on Optometry

(b) Indian Satellite and Radar Orga­nisation

(c) Indian Space Research Organisation

(d) Indian Stratosphere Resourcing Organisation


  1. Lunar eclipse occurs on:

(a) full moon day

(b) new moon day

(c) both full moon day And new moon day

(d) none of these


  1. Solar eclipse occurs on:

(a) full moon day

(b) new moon day

(c) both full moon day And new moon day

(d) none of these


  1. Lunar eclipse occurs when the:

(a) sun comes between the earth and the sun

(b) moon comes between the earth and the sun

(c) earth comes between the moon and the sun

(d) when the earth and moon collide with each other


  1. Solar eclipse occurs when the:

(a) sun comes between the earth and the moon

(b) moon comes between the earth and the sun

(c) earth comes between the moon and the sun

(d) none of these


  1. Who mathematically proved that the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits?

(a) Isaac Newton                          (b) Albert Einstein

(c) Johannes Kepler                    (d) Galilei Galileo


  1. One cosmic year is equal to:

(a) 365 days                                   (b) 24 days

(c) 2.25 × 106 days                       (d) 225 × 106 years


  1. Between 1979 and 1999, the farthest planet from the sun is:

(a) Jupiter         (b) Neptune      (c) Uranus         (d) Planet


  1. The nearest galaxy to our galaxy is:

(a) Andromeda                             (b) X31

(c) Large magellanic cloud        (d) Small magellanic cloud


  1. The planet which takes the maximum time to revolve around itself is:

(a) Mercury      (b) Pluto            (c) Venus           (d) Neptune


Answer Key:

(1)-(c); (2)-(a); (3)-(b); (4)-(c); (5)-(b); (6)-(c); (7)-(d); (8)-(b); (9)-(a); (10)-(c)