
Stars and the solar system Worksheet-12

Stars and the solar system Worksheet-12


  1. What are the applications of artificial satellites?


  1. Show the relative position of stars (i) Cassiopeia (ii) Leo Major


  1. What is constellation? Write two differences between a star and a constellation.


  1. Name any three celestial bodies.



  1. What are artificial satellites? Give two uses of them.


  1. What is the difference between natural and artificial satellite? Mention any two differences.

Name any two artificial satellites.


  1. Name all the planets of the solar system in the order of their distance from Sun.


  1. (a) Which force keeps the members of the solar system bound to the sun?

(b)  Show the relative positions of prominent stars in Ursa Major.


  1. What do you understand by a constellation ? Give two examples.


  1. What is a shooting star? Why does it burn completely before reaching the earth's surface?



  1. Artificial satellites are used for:

(a) Weather forecasting.

(b) Communicating with each other from any part of the world through television, telephone, etc.






  1. A constellation is a group of few stars whose arrangement can be compared to the figure of some animal or known thing:

Star Constellation

(i) It is a ball of glowing gases and is single.

(ii) It does not remember any known figure or animal. (i) A group of stars is known as constellation.

(ii) Its formation resembles some animals or other known figure.


  1. The stars, sun and moon are celestial bodies.


  1. An artificial satellite is made by humans and is launched into orbit around planets such as the Earth. Artificial satellites are used for transmitting radio and telephone signals, and for sending back scientific information about space.


  1. (A) Natural Satellite Artificial Satellite

(i) A celestial body revolving around a planet is called a natural satellite.

(ii) It cannot be used. (i) A man-made satellite revolving around  the Earth is called an artificial satellite.

(ii) It can be used for tele communication research and remote sensing.

(b) Two artificial satellites are INSAT-3B and Kalpana Chawl I.


  1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


  1. (a) Gravitational force keeps the members of the solar system bound to the sun.



  1. Constellations are group of stars that appear to form a pattern, resembling a human figure or animal, e.g. Ursa major and Orion.


  1. Shooting star are the heavenly bodies consisting of small pieces of stones and metallic rocks traveling at very high speeds. They are also known as meteors.

When meteors enter the earth's atmosphere, they get heated up due to air friction and hence burn completely.