
Spell the word Worksheet-26

Spell the Word Worksheet-26


Choose the correct spelling of the word for the clue given.

  1. "shriveled or wrinkled; old"

(A) wizened       (B) wizenned    (C) wizneed       (D) wiuzened


  1. "contempt or ridicule"

(A) derision       (B) derisiun       (C) derisoin       (D) derisionn


  1. "the process of dividing words into units of sound"

(A) syllabicatiun                           (B) syllabication

(C) sylabication                            (D) syllabicatoin


  1. "to approach the end; to become less"

(A) wan              (B) wanne          (C) wange           (D) wane


  1. "a great, often sudden calamity"

(A) catastrofe                                 (B) catastrophe

(C) catastroph                               (D) catastruphe


  1. "to overcome an obstacle"

(A) surmuunt   (B) surmount    (C) surmuont    (D) surmaunt


  1. "looking grim or starved"

(A) gount           (B) gaunnt         (C) gauht           (D) gaunt


  1. "suitcase"

(A) purtmanteau                          (B) portmanteeu      

(C) portmanteau                          (D) portmantou


  1. "To bring oneself into the favor or good graces of another by deliberate effort"

(A) ingratiat                                   (B) ingrataite

(C) inngratiate                              (D) ingratiate


  1. "to return like for like, especially evil for evil; to pay back"

(A) retaliat        (B) retaliate      (C) retalaite      (D) retalliate


  1. "with a change of direction of approximately 45 degrees"

(A) ubliquely     (B) obliquely     (C) obliquelie    (D) oblliquely


  1. "a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; flatterer; fawner"

(A) tuady           (B) toadie          (C) toary            (D) toady


  1. "a splendid or striking array; the complete arms and armor of a warrior"

(A) panoply       (B) panuply       (C) panoplie      (D) pannoply


  1. "the result of an action"

(A) consequenc                             (B) consequence

(C) cunsequence                           (D) connsequence


  1. "Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning"

(A) ubsequious                              (B) obsequious

(C) obsequiuos                              (D) obsequoius


  1. "to honor or remember"

(A) solemniz                                  (B) sulemnize

(C) solemnnize                              (D) solemnize


  1. "imposing rigorous standards; severe"

(A) strinngent   (B) stringent     (C) stringennt   (D) sstringent


  1. "Something expected; a possibility"

(A) pruspect      (B) prosspect    (C) prospect      (D) prospekt


  1. "begged"

(A) implured     (B) impllored    (C) immlored   (D) implored


  1. "final offer or demand"

(A) ulltimatum                              (B) ultivatum

(C) ultimatoum                            (D) ultimatum


  1. "The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal"

(A) mvw             (B) mpw            (C) maw             (D) mau


  1. "the highest point of a wave"

(A) cresst           (B) krest             (C) cres              (D) crest


  1. "full of elaborate detail"

(A) intricat        (B) intricate      (C) inntricate    (D) intrikate


  1. "causing fear or dread"

(A) phormidable                         (B) formidabl

(C) furmidable                              (D) formidable


  1. "act of hiding or pretending"

(A) dissimulatiun                         (B) disimulation

(C) dissimulatoin                         (D) dissimulation


  1. "definite dislike"

(A) aversiun      (B) aversoin      (C) aversion      (D) aversionn


  1. "Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food"

(A) vuracious    (B) voraciuos    (C) voracious    (D) voracoius


  1. "with constant and careful attention"

(A) assiduuusly                             (B) asiduously

(C) assiduuosly                            (D) assiduously


  1. "A violent or turbulent situation; a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence"

(A) maelstrum                              (B) maelstrom

(C) maelsstrom                            (D) maellstrom


  1. "the point at which water vapor condenses"

(A) dew puint                                (B) dew poinnt

(C) dew point                                 (D) dew poinht


  1. "not occupied"

(A) vacannt       (B) vakant         (C) vacant          (D) vacan


  1. "referring to techniques used to reproduce words and pictures"

(A) graphic        (B) grafic           (C) graphik       (D) grapihc


  1. "facial expression"

(A) countenanc                            (B) cuuntenance

(C) countenance                           (D) cuontenance


  1. "shorthand writing"

(A) stenografy                               (B) stenugraphy       

(C) stenographie                           (D) stenography


  1. "spread our or place military troops"

(A) deploy          (B) depluy         (C) deploie        (D) deplloy


  1. "territorial district"

(A) provinc        (B) province      (C) pruvince      (D) provinnce


  1. "unnaturally pale as from physical or emotional distress"

(A) wann            (B) wan              (C) wana            (D) wani


  1. "plant fiber used in making rope and burlap bags"

(A) jute               (B) jut                 (C) ujte               (D) juten


  1. "Showing great malevolence, disposed to do evil; cancerous"

(A) malignant                                (B) malignnant

(C) mallignant                               (D) malignannt


  1. "to protect"

(A) preserv        (B) preserve      (C) presserve    (D) prseerve


  1. "tending to be physically or mentally inactive"

(A) innert           (B) ineru            (C) inerf             (D) inert


  1. "means of guiding or controlling"

(A) riens             (B) reinns          (C) reinss           (D) reins


  1. "pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses."

(A) hedunism                                (B) hedonnism

(C) hedonissm                               (D) hedonism


  1. "tall, flat bottom anvil shaped clouds that produce thunderstorms"

(A) cumulunimbus                      (B) cumulonimbus

(C) cumulonnimbus                    (D) cumulonimbuss


  1. "confirm, support, bolster"

(A) corroborat                               (B) curroborate

(C) corroborate                            (D) coroborate


  1. "profoundly moving; touching; intense or stimulating"

(A) puignant                                  (B) poignnant

(C) poignannt                                (D) poignant


  1. "To appeal to in supplication; to beg for earnestly"

(A) implor         (B) implore       (C) implure       (D) impllore


  1. "Scornful of the motives, virtue, or integrity of others; showing scorn and bitter mockery"

(A) cinical          (B) cynnical      (C) cynical         (D) cynicall


  1. "a bitter, destructive feud or quest for revenge"

(A) vendeta       (B) venndetta    (C) vendetta      (D) vkndetta


  1. "A cover for a coffin, often made of black, purple, or white velvet"

(A) pa                 (B) palll              (C) pall               (D) pal



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