
The Universe Worksheet-8

The Universe Worksheet-8


  1. What measuring unit do astronomers use to measure distances within the Solar System?

A. Miles                                         B. Million Miles

C. Astronomical units (AU)        D. Solar units (SU)


  1. How long does the Earth take to make one complete revolution around the Sun?

A. 24 hours       B. 28 hours       C. 240 days       D. 365 days.


  1. The days of the week in the Indian calendar are named after the _____.

A. Planets          B. Moons           C. Stars              D. Comets.


  1. What is the impact of the tilted axis of the Earth on the sunlight we receive on the Earth?

A. The Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere usually do not receive the same amount of sunlight at the same time.

B. The Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere usually receive the same amount of sunlight at the same time.

C. Equator freezes faster than the North Pole.

D. The Arctic receives more cosmic rays than the Antarctica.


  1. Which planets have rocky structure?

A. Inner planets                            B. Outer planets

C. Planets with moons                 D. All of them


  1. Which planet is also known as "the red planet"?

A. Venus            B. Jupiter          C. Saturn           D. Mars


  1. What is the color of planet Neptune?

A. Pink                                           B. Blue-green

C. Blue-yellow                              D. Red


  1. Between which two planets does the Asteroid belt reside?

A. Earth and Mars                       B. Mars and Jupiter

C. Jupiter and Saturn                  D. It is outside the Solar System


  1. We have longer days and shorter nights in _____.

A. Summer        B. Autumn         C. Winter           D. Spring


  1. Which of the following is NOT true in the case of stars?

A. They are much larger than planets in size

B. They are made up of gases

C. They are almost fixed in their places relative to each other

D. They twinkle because of irregular emission of light


Answer Key:

(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–A; (4)–A; (5)–A; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–B; (9)–A; (10)–C