
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-21

parts of speech worksheet grade 4

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-21


  1. Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

____ have a lot of work to do.

A. He                  B. They               C. Ram               D. none of these


  1. Which sentence is complete?

A. I gave jaya a piece of candy?

B. I gave Krishna a piece of candy

C. I gave Dimpi a piece of candy.

D. i gave Omkar a piece of candy.

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  1. Which sentence contains a preposition?

A. Turtles are coldblooded.

B. Some are very big.

C. They can weigh hundreds of pounds.

D. They live near the water.


  1. To make the plural form of bus you must

A. add es                                         B. change the y to i and add es

C. add s                                           D. it is already in plural form   


  1. Choose the correct sentence

A. Many kinds of animals can hide from their enemys.

B. Many kinds of animals can hide from they're enemies.

C. Many kinds of animals can hide from their enemies.

D. Many kinds of animals can hide from there enemys.


  1. Which part of speech is the word DECIDE?

A. pronoun        B. noun              C. adjective       D. verb


  1. Which of the following is an incomplete sentence (fragment)?

A. Do you like pretzels?               B. I think they are delicious.

C. Especially the hot ones.         D. I want to eat one every day.


  1. What part of speech is the word "they?

A. adjective       B. pronoun        C. verb                D. contraction


  1. Which of these is a complete sentence?

A. Shouted as loudly as she could.

B. The creepy, cold cave.

C. Summer has just ended.

D. My twelve cousins and I.


  1. What kind of sentence is this?

Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

A. Fantasy         B. Opinion         C. Fact                D. All of these


Answer Keys:

(1)–B; (2)–C; (3)–D; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–D; (7)–C; (8)–B; (9)–C; (10)–C