
Verb Agreement Worksheet-1

Verb Agreement Worksheet-1


Multiple-Choice Questions:

Fill in the blank with the correct verb:

  1. Ram as well as Shyam ____ coming to meet me.

(A) Am               (B) Is                  (C) Are               (D) Were


  1. Sunil and Anil _____ coming.

(A) Is                  (B) Am               (C) Are               (D) None of these


  1. If I _____ you, I would certainly help him.

(A) Was              (B) Were            (C) Are               (D) Is


  1. Those girls, who are very tall, ____ to join the basket ball team.

(A) Wants          (B) Wanting      (C) Want            (D) None of these


  1. The lovely aroma of these dishes ____ my mouth water.

(A) Make           (B) Makes          (C) Making        (D) Maked


  1. Either father or mother _____ at home.

(A) Are               (B) Were            (C) Being           (D) Is


  1. There ____ a lot of milk in the cup yesterday.

(A) Is                  (B) Were            (C) Was              (D) Are


  1. One of the teachers ____ on leave today.

(A) Are               (B) Is                  (C) Were            (D) Will


  1. Either these students or those ____ performing a play.

(A) Is                  (B) Was              (C) Are               (D) Will


  1. I ____ going to write an essay.

(A) Is                  (B) Am               (C) Are               (D) Were


  1. None of the girls _____ an extra pen.

(A) Has              (B) Have            (C) Is having     (D) Was having


  1. Do you _____ some sugar, Miss Shah?

(A) Has              (B) Have            (C) Having        (D) Are having


  1. ____ all the furniture been cleaned?

(A) Have            (B) Were            (C) Are               (D) Has


  1. The food ____ ready.

(A) Am               (B) Is                  (C) Are               (D) Were


  1. The stationery bought last month ____ of very good quality.

(A) Is                  (B) Was              (C) Were            (D) Are



  1. (B)

Exp: Singular verb is used with ‘as well as.’

  1. (C)

Exp: Plural verb is used with ‘and.’

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Were’ is used with ‘I’ in hypothetical cases.

  1. (C)

Exp: Verb without ‘s’ is used with a plural subject.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Aroma’ is singular and so the singular verb will be used.

  1. (D)

Exp: Conjunctions ‘either…or’ take the singular verb.

  1. (C)

Exp: ‘A lot of milk’ – singular subject and ‘yesterday’ suggests the past tense.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘One’ suggests a singular subject, so singular verb is used. Today suggests present tense.

  1. (C)

Exp: Plural subject suggests a plural verb.

  1. (B)

Exp: Subject is – ‘I’ and hence the verb is ‘am.’

  1. (A)

Exp: ‘None’ suggests a singular subject and so singular verb is used.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Have’ (plural verb) is used with ‘you.’

  1. (D)

Exp: ‘Furniture’ is a collective noun and so takes the singular verb.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Food’ takes the singular noun.

  1. (B)

Exp: ‘Stationery’ is a collective noun and takes the singular verb. ‘Last month’ suggests the past tense.