
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-16

Word Power Worksheet – 16


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "a bird like a duck, but larger"

(a) loon               (b) compose      (c) spare            (d) evading


  1. "taking neither side, especially in time of war"

(a) dugout         (b) shoes            (c) neutral         (d) vigorous


  1. "the story of a person's life written by someone else"

(a) eccentricities                           (b) peculiar

(c) biography                                 (d) mesas


  1. "a container used for storing a liquid"

(a) sure               (b) perfect         (c) reservoirs    (d) biography


  1. "plain; not pretty; familiar"

(a) homely         (b) restoration  (c) appreciate   (d) break


  1. "not capable of being overcome or subdued; unconquerable"

(a) entitled                                     (b) coins

(c) indomitable                             (d) sibling


  1. "land thickly covered with trees, vines, and other plants"

(a) stage fright (b) jungle           (c) start              (d) ecosystems


  1. "take what is given"

(a) luxurious     (b) accept          (c) obstinate      (d) telescope


  1. "sadly; gloomily"

(a) rescue           (b) cherish         (c) soberly         (d) defrost


  1. "sympathy or sorrow"

(a) commotion (b) pity               (c) visualize       (d) populated


  1. "to ask for in a firm manner"

(a) boast             (b) kingfisher    (c) demand       (d) scour


  1. "of the same shape and size"

(a) cause            (b) congruent   (c) inhabit         (d) aboard


  1. "a strong seasonal wind "

(a) commemorate                        (b) piece            

(c) assaults                                    (d) monsoon


  1. "a brief fall of rain"

(a) pause            (b) suspense      (c) dialect          (d) shower


  1. "enclosed; completely surrounded"

(a) discover       (b) enveloped    (c) pouch           (d) smudge


  1. "an angry dispute"

(a) coins             (b) quarrel        (c) cons              (d) peculiar


  1. "screamed"

(a) minuscule   (b) synthetic      (c) start              (d) shrieked


  1. "the Sun, along with the planets and other bodies that circle it"

(a) symphony                                (b) change

(c) solar system                            (d) jeered


  1. "resembling a cavern; huge, deep, and hollow"

(a) dreadful       (b) smooth        (c) peculiar       (d) cavernous


  1. "the line where the sky seems to meet the earth or sea"

(a) abated          (b) boast            (c) horizon         (d) minute


  1. "came into sight"

(a) fault              (b) appeared     (c) disturb         (d) decided


  1. "decreased; lessened"

(a) start              (b) abated          (c) protect         (d) overcome


  1. "found out"

(a) legend           (b) desolate       (c) discovered   (d) congruent


  1. "to free or save from danger"

(a) rescue                                       (b) broadcaster

(c) famished                                  (d) kingfisher


  1. "noisy confusion"

(a) shrieked                                    (b) veterinarian        

(c) fiction                                        (d) uproar


  1. "area over which certain things, such as animals and plants, are spread"

(a) ingenious                                  (b) disturb

(c) distribution                              (d) vegetation


  1. "person who earns a living in a career that requires special education and training"

(a) vermin                                      (b) astronomer

(c) professional                             (d) couple


  1. "something that is helpful"

(a) wondered                                 (b) nonviolence

(c) tempo                                        (d) advantage


  1. "any tool, device, or container that is used in making something"

(a) appeared                                  (b) solar system

(c) literate                                      (d) utensil


  1. "punishment for breaking a rule"

(a) truce             (b) explained    (c) penalty         (d) pounded



1-a;  2-c;  3-c;  4-c;  5-a;  6-c;  7-b;  8-b;  9-c;  10-b;  11-c;  12-b;  13-d;  14-d;  15-b;  16-b;  17-d;  18-c;  19-d;  20-c;  21-b;  22-b;  23-c;  24-a;  25-d;  26-c;  27-c;  28-d;  29-d;  30-c