
English 'n' logic worksheet-9


  1. This spinach omelet makes for_____ breakfast; it has the vegetables and protein needed for a healthy diet.

(a) a delicious                               (b) a filling

(c) a nutritious                             (d) an edible


  1. Jaya’s grandfather’s house is full of______ technology such as rotary-dial phones and other devices that are no longer in use.

(a) prehistoric  (b) obsolete       (c) current         (d) advanced


  1. My younger brother constantly misbehaves and is always causing______.

(a) hostility        (b) mischief      (c) violence        (d) courtesy

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  1. The teacher only has one copy of the worksheet right now, so she is going to _____it and give the new copy to her student.

(a) translate      (b) multiply       (c) duplicate     (d) plagiarize


  1. Monty was _______about the upcoming investigation, and he was only made more _____by the newspaper accounts of it.

(a) upset … easygoing                  (b) angry … frightened

(c) relaxed … stressed                  (d) anxious … nervous


  1. Almost no one actually believes that the god Zeus lives on top of Mount Olympus; most people understand that this is just a _____, not a reality.

(a) counterfeit  (b) lyric              (c) myth             (d) sonnet


  1. The carpenter ant is ______ critter and is not at all ______.

(a) an immense … gigantic        (b) an industrious … lazy

(c) a tireless … hardworking     (d) an active … energetic


  1. The attorney suggested that the witness's testimony was _____ because the witness was a known liar.

(a) sincere         (b) amazing      (c) insane           (d) unreliable


  1. The governor thinks the tax is a good one and would like to see it continue, but his opponent wants to ______it.

(a) abolish         (b) amend         (c) modify          (d) enact


  1. My neighbor wears a mask when he is outdoors because he doesn’t want to______ the pollution in the air.

(a) consume      (b) overcome    (c) infect             (d) inhale


Answer Keys:

(81) C; (82) B; (83) B; (84) C; (85) D; (86) C; (87) B; (88) D; (89) A; (90) D