
Volume problems Worksheet-10

Volume problems Worksheet-10


  1. Volume of a cube can be measured in _____.

(a) Square meter                          (b) Square feet

(c) centimeter                               (d) Cubic centimeter


  1. Area of a square can be measured in ______.

(a) Square meter                          (b) feet

(c) centimeter                               (d) Cubic centimeter


  1. ____ is the measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure.

(a) Volume       (b) area              (c) perimeter    (d) diagonal


  1. Which of the following can contain milk ?

(a) A rectangle (b) A square      (c) A circle        (d) A cylinder


  1. Which of the following is a 2-d figure ?

(a) cylinder       (b) cube             (c) rectangle     (d) sphere


  1. Which of the following is a 3-d figure ?

(a) circle            (b) square         (c) rectangle     (d) sphere


  1. Length of a pencil can be measured in _____.

(a) centimeter                               (b) Square centimeter

(c) Cubic centimeter                    (d) liter


Answer Key:

(1)-D; (2)-A; (3)-A; (4)-D; (5)-C; (6)-D; (7)-A