
Different states of water


  • In nature, water exists in three states.
  • It could be in the form of:
  1. Liquid (e.g., rain, river, sea),
  2. Solid (e.g., ice, snow, hail),
  3. Gas (e.g., water vapour)
  • Water can be heated to convert it into vapour.
  • If we leave water in an uncovered vessel on a summer afternoon outside our house, after a few hours, the level of water in the vessel decreases.
  • This is because a lot of it would have escaped into the atmosphere in the form of water vapour.
  • In reverse process, the conversion of the vapour of a substance to its liquid form is called condensation.
  • Water vapour is also added into the air by the leaves of plants, through the process of transpiration.
  • Evaporation and condensation of water takes place on a very large scale on the surface of Earth and its atmosphere.
  • These processes play a key role in cloud formation and rain.