
Light Worksheet-2

Light Worksheet-2


  1. When the angle between two plane mirrors is 60°, how many multiple images will be formed by the mirrors?

(a) 5                    (b) 6                    (c) 7                    (d) 8


  1. If the angle of incidence is 50°, then calculate the angle between the incidence ray and the reflected ray.

(a) 50°                (b) 100°             (c) 130°              (d) 80°


  1. In our houses, we use a _________ to look at ourselves.

(a) convex mirror                         (b) concave mirror

(c) convex lens                              (d) plane mirror


  1. The angle of incidence in a plane mirror is _______ angle of reflection:

(a) equal to                                    (b) greater than

(c) less than                                   (d) none of these


  1. _______ are used in telescopes to reflect light.

(a) Concave mirrors                    (b) Convex mirrors

(c) Plane mirrors                         (d) Convex lenses


  1. When a light ray is reflected repeatedly by a set of parallel plane mirrors, the intensity of light rays decreases after some reflections. This is because of:

(a) poor reflection from mirrors

(b) absorption of some amount of light by mirrors

(c) dispersion of light when the rays travel through the atmosphere

(d) scattering of light by the mirrors


  1. The perpendicular drawn at any point on a mirror is called:

(a) incident ray                       (b) reflected ray

(c) Normal                               (d) Image


  1. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) The angle of incidence is twice the angle of reflection

(b) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal drawn at the point of incidence lie in the same plane

(c) Some types of virtual images can be caught on the screens.

(d) A convex mirror forms real image


  1. When the distance between the object and the plane mirror increases:

(a) the image remains same

(b) the size of the image will become less than the size of the object

(c) the distance between the image and the plane mirror increases

(d) the distance between the image and the plane mirror decreases


  1. In lateral inversion:

(a) right of the object will be right side of the image

(b) left side of the object will be left side of the image

(c) upside of the object will be down side of the object

(d) right side of the object will be left side of the image


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(b); (3)-(d); (4)-(a); (5)-(c); (6)-(b); (7)-(c); (8)-(b); (9)-(c); (10)-(d)