
Control and coordination Worksheet-2

Control and coordination Worksheet-2


Fill in blanks:

  1. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called _____.


  1. The working together of the various organs of an organism in a systematic manner so as to produce a proper response to the stimulus is called_____.


  1. The plants coordinate their behavior against environmental changes by using _____.


  1. The function of control and coordination in plants is performed by the chemical substances called _____.


  1. The plant hormones are also called _____.


  1. Plant grows and reacts to external stimuli  due to the actions of different chemicals named_____.


  1. _____ of plant is a directional movement.


  1. A growth movement of a plant part in response to an external stimulus in which the direction of stimulus determines the direction of response is called _____.


  1. If the growth (or movement) of a plant part is towards the stimulus, it is called _____tropism.


  1. If the growth (or movement) of a plant part is away from the stimulus, then it is called_____ tropism.


  1. The movement of a plant part in response to light is called _____.


  1. The movement of a plant part in response to gravity is called _____.


  1. The movement of a plant parting response to a chemical stimulus is called _____.


  1. The growth of pollen tube towards the ovule during the process of fertilization in a flower is an example of _____.


  1. The movement of a plant part in response to water is called _____.


  1. The directional growth movement of a plant part in response to the touch of an object is called _____.


  1. Tendrils of plants are positively _____.


  1. The movement of a plant part in response to an external stimulus in which the direction of response is not determined by the direction of stimulus is called _____ movement.


  1. Nastic movements of plants are also called _____.


  1. The folding up of the leaves of a sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) on touching is an example of_____.



  1. Stimuli
  2. Coordination
  3. Hormones
  4. Plant hormones
  5. Phytohormones
  6. Hormones
  7. Tropism
  8. Tropism
  9. Positive
  10. Negative
  11. Phototropism
  12. Geotropism
  13. Chemotropism
  14. Chemotropism
  15. Hydrotropism
  16. Thigmotropism
  17. Thigmotropic
  18. Nastic
  19. Nasties
  20. Nastic  movement