
Adverb Exercise-3 (Level-3)

Adverb Practice Exercise – 3


Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of place. Choose from the given options:

  1. The crow flew _____. [away / always]


  1. The children are playing _____. [outside / inside]


  1. Sunil is _____ the house. [outside / inside]


  1. The leaves are falling _____. [down / up]


  1. The plane is coming _____. [far / near]


  1. The soldiers are waiting _____. [there / in]


Write the appropriate adverb of place and fill in the blanks:

  1. Sunil waited _____ until the rain stopped.


  1. Call those soldiers _____.


  1. The boy is not coming _____.


  1. Did the horse trot _____?


  1. Put the fruits on the table _____.


  1. This flight of stairs is not going _____.



  1. away

  2. outside

  3. inside

  4. down

  5. near

  6. there

  7. inside

  8. here

  9. downstairs

  10. away

  11. there

  12. upstairs

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