
Pronouns Exercise-1 [Level-5]

Pronouns Practice Exercise-1 [Level-5]

Download Pronouns Exercise-1

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun and fill in the blanks.

  1. “____ is wrong with me, Doctor?” [what / which]


  1. ____ is this fruit cut for? [who / which]


  1. ____ are those children? [which / whose]


  1. ____ will win the football game? [what / who]


  1. ____ is the name of the place where animals are kept? [what / who]


  1. ____ does the playful kitten belong to? [what / whom]


  1. ____ said that it will not rain? [what / who]


  1. ____ are you making mother? [what / which]


  1. ____ is that football? [what / whose]


  1. ____ is the book he is reading? [which / who]



  1. what

  2. who

  3. whose

  4. who

  5. what

  6. whom

  7. who

  8. what

  9. whose

  10. which


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