

Concept of Percentage:

x% as a fraction: x% = x/100

To express  a/b as a percent: 100a/b %

If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the

expenditure is 100 R%/(100 + R)

If the price of a commodity decreases by R%, then the increase in consumption so as not to decrease the expenditure is 100 R%/(100 - R)

Percentage increased / decreased is given by = (ending value-intial value) × 100/intial value

If answer is +ve then value is  increased.

If answer is –ve then value is decreased.


Results on Population:

Population after n years = P(1 + R/100)n, where R is the rate increase. R will be negative if population is decreased.   

Population n years ago = P/(1 + R/100)n.


Results on Depreciation:

Value of the machine after n years = P(1 - R/100)n, where R is the rate of depreciation.

Value of the machine n years ago = P/ (1 - R/100)n.

If A is R% more than B, then B is less than A by percentage increase

If A is R% less than B, then B is more than A by percentages decrease


Conversions (Important):

100 % = 1            150% = 3/2        60% = 3/5          33.33% = 1/3        

66.67% = 2/3     125% = 5/4         50% = 1/2          40% = 2/5

80% = 4/5          75% = 3/4          20% = 1/5           120% = 6/5

25% = 1/4           16.66% = 1/6      110% = 11/10     12.5% = 1/8

6.25% = 1/16      11.11% = 1/9       10% = 1/10