
Adjectives Exercise-4 (Level-3)

Adjectives Practice Exercise – 4


Fill in the blank with the opposite of the underlined adjective.

  1. My house is big but a sparrow’s nest is _____.


  1. Men are _____ while children are short.


  1. The vegetable knife is sharp, but the other knife is _____.


  1. Lions are strong animals while deer are _____.


  1. We wash our _____ hands to make them clean.


  1. _____ food is good; stale food is bad.



  1. Small

  2. Tall

  3. Blunt

  4. Weak

  5. Dirty

  6. fresh


Adjective Fun


Quality    → Opposite Quality

Clean         → Dirty

Tall            → Short

Smooth     → Rough

Hard         → Soft, Easy

Good         → Bad

Beautiful  → Ugly

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