
Adjectives Exercise-7 (Level-5)

Adjectives Practice Exercise – 7


Insert the interrogative adjectives :

  1. I found this book.  ____ book is it?


  1. ____ gifts did your friends give you?


  1. At  ____ time do you get up?


  1. ____ month is full of exams and studying?


  1. ____ flowers are those?


Underline the question word and say if it is an adjective or a pronoun. Write ‘A’ for adjective and ‘P’ for pronoun :

  1. Whose is this cat? ____


  1. Which animals are there in the zoo? ____


  1. What game are these two playing? ____


  1. What are you reading? ____


  1. Which car is she washing? ____



  1. whose

  2. what

  3. what

  4. which

  5. which

  6. P

  7. A

  8. A

  9. P

  10. A

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