
Adverb Notes-2 (Level-4)

Adverb-Study Notes-2


Adverbs of degree:

Tells us something more about verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Ask the question “How much?” to the verb, adjective or adverb.


  1. Sheila played the guitar QUITE well.

[Explanation: Played how? Ans: well. Thus, well = adverb of manner.

How much well? Ans: Quite. Thus, quite = adverb of degree.

Here this adverb (quite) is modifying another adverb (well)]


  1. He drinks VERY hot coffee.

[Explanation: what kind of coffee? Ans: hot. Thus, hot = adjective.

How much hot? Ans: Very. Thus, very = adverb of degree.

Here this adverb (very) is modifying an adjective (hot)]


  1. The team is FULLY prepared for the game.

[Explanation: How much prepared? Ans: Fully. Thus, fully = adverb of degree.

Here this adverb (fully) is modifying a verb (prepared)]


Interrogative adverbs:

Ask questions about manner, time, place, frequency, degree, etc. Words like how – when – where – how many – how much – etc.


  1. HOW LONG did the rain last?

(asking about duration)


  1. WHERE are you going to my pretty maid?

(asking about place)


  1. WHY is the little boy sad?

(asking about the reason)

Click here for Exercise-2
