
Adverb Exercise-2 (Level-4)

Adverb Practice Exercise – 2


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb of degree.

[nearly, completely, very, extremely, quite]

  1. Mr. Swenson is an _____ good dentist.


  1. The loud music _____ broke my eardrums.


  1. Those flowers are really _____ pretty.


  1. It was _____ a good movie.


  1. The water drum is _____ empty.


See the pictures and fill in the correct interrogative adverbs. Choose from the given options.

  1. _____ should we eat fruits? [how often / how man]


  1. _____ do the roses cost? [how man / how much]


  1. _____ will the plane arrive? [where / how man]


  1. _____ dollars have you collected? [how man / how much]


  1. _____ is Sheila carrying a big bag? [what / why]



  1. extremely

  2. nearly

  3. very

  4. quite

  5. completely

  6. how often

  7. how much

  8. when

  9. how many

  10. why

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