
Weather of A Place


  • Weather of a place is described by the temperature and humidity of that place.



  • The temperature on any day depends (among other factors) on the amount of sunlight received.
  • It is generally cooler during the nights than in the day time.
  • One of the main reasons for this is that during the day the rays of the sun heat up the Earth.
  • Temperatures at night may be many degrees higher in urban areas than in rural areas because of various factors such as pollution, higher density of people and houses, less number of trees, etc.


Humidity (Amount of Moisture in the Air):

  • The amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere determines humidity.
  • A drier place will have lower humidity.
  • Places near the sea coast, such as Kolkata and Mumbai, generally have greater humidity than places far away from the sea, such as Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Humidity of a region is also usually higher in the rainy season than during summer and winter.
  • As climate differs from place to place, we will now see how different animals have adapted to these climates.