Forces that do not need physical contact with the object on which they are acting are called non contact forces.
E.g. Magnetic force, electrostatic force and gravitational force are the examples of non-contact force.
Gravitational Force:
This is the force with which objects pull each other. It is very small and can be felt if the objects are massive like earth.
Objects or things fall towards the earth because it pulls them. This force is called the force of gravity, or just gravity. This is an attractive force. The force of gravity acts all objects.
Gravity is not a property of the earth alone. In fact, every object in the universe, whether small or large, exerts a force on every other object. This force is known as the gravitational force.
Magnetic force:
Like poles of two magnets repel each other and unlike poles attracts each other.
Attraction or repulsion between objects can also be seen as another form of pull or push.
A magnet can exert a force on another magnet without being in contact with it.
The force exerted by a magnet on a piece of iron and nickel is also a non-contact force.
Electrostatic force:
A straw is said to have acquired electrostatic charge after it has been rubbed with a sheet of paper.
The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body is known as electrostatic force. This force comes into play even when the force comes into play even when the bodies are not in contact. The electrostatic force, therefore, is another example of a not-contact force.