Fun with magnets Worksheet-1
Multiple-Choice question:
(a) The Japanese, about 4000 years ago
(b) The Chinese, about 3000 years ago
(c) The Swedish, about 5000 years ago
(d) The Dutch, about 2500 years ago
(a) North pole of a magnet is attracted towards south pole of other magnet.
(b) North poles of two magnets repel each other.
(c) Each magnet has a north and a south pole.
(d) A magnet can have two north poles
(a) strongest (b) weakest (c) non-existent (d) same
(a) It aligns itself along magnetic field lines
(b) It gets attracted towards north pole of magnet
(c) It gets attracted towards south pole of magnet
(d) Nothing happens
(a) When we cut a magnet in two parts, magnetism is lost
(b) When we cut a magnet in two parts, we get isolated north and south pole
(c) When we cut a magnet in two parts, we get two magnets each with north and south pole
(d) We cannot cut a magnet in two parts
(a) In geographical north-south direction
(b) In geographical east-west direction
(c) Along equator
(d) In any arbitrary direction
(a) During any time of the day
(b) Only after sunrise and before sunset
(c) Only before sunrise and after sunset
(d) None of these
(a) Glass rod (b) Copper wire
(c) Iron nail (d) Lead tube
(a) Gold and silver (b) Silver and copper
(c) Iron and lead (d) Iron and nickel
(a) silver (b) soft iron (c) steel (d) copper
Answer Key: