
Movement in earthworm



•    An earthworm is an invertebrate.

•    It has a long, tube-like body.

•    It has no bones.

Tube-like body of an earthworm

•    Earthworms live in moist soil which contains organic matter.

•    Earthworms do not have eyes or ears but they have a mouth and are sensitive to heat, light and touch.

•    This adaptation is important for the survival of an earthworm.

•    In winter, an earthworm travels deep in the soil to avoid the frost.

•    In summer, an earthworm travels deep into the soil in order to avoid dehydration.

•    Its body shape is maintained by the fluid present inside its body, just like that of a water-filled balloon.

•    An earthworm's body is made up of several parts called segments.

•    It moves by lengthening and shortening these segments.

•    It extends the front part of the body, keeping the rear end fixed to the ground.

•    Then it fixes the front part and pulls the rear end.

•    Thus, an earthworm moves by stretching its front section through the soil and then pulling its hind section up.

Movement in an earthworm

•    Its body secretes a slimy substance which helps in the movement.

•    The segments also have tiny, hair-like bristles, which help the earthworm to grip the surface and pull its body forward.

•    The tiny bristles cover the body of the worm and enable the worm to grip the soil as it passes through.

•    This really helps the worm moves through the soil quickly without slipping.