
Potable water


  • Potable water is defined as safe and clean water which is suitable for drinking and cooking by human beings.


Properties of potable water:

  • It should be transparent, colorless and odorless.
  • Sufficient dissolved oxygen and other essential minerals should be present in it.
  • It should be free of germs, toxins and other microbes.


Purification of water:

  • Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals [salts], biological contaminants [microbes], suspended solids [sand, silt, clay] and gases from contaminated water.
  • The goal is to produce water fit for drinking and other human consumption medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications.
  • Process of water purification at large scale includes the following steps: Collection, Sedimentation, Filtration, Chlorination and Supply.


Purification of water at home:

  • Water supplied at home may not be completely free of impurities so some precautionary purification methods should be followed at home.



  • It is one of the easiest and safest method water purification at home. Water is boiled at 100oC for 15- 20 minutes and cooled down to room temperature. Boiling kills the microbes present in water making it fit for drinking.


Addition of chemical tablets:

  • Chemicals like chlorine tablets and potassium permanganate are used to kill the harmful agents and excess salt removal.


Use of filters: physical and electrical:

  • Traditionally water is filtered by using the cloth. However nowadays electric filters, RO systems, Water purifiers are available in market. Commonly these modern units contain micro-porous filters, carbon and a source of UV radiation. Filters strain the impurities, carbon absorbs organic impurities and UV radiation kills the microbes.