

If all sides of a polygon are equal, it is called a regular polygon.

regular polygon

A six-sided figure is called a hexagon.


A seven-sided figure is called a heptagon.

An eight-sided figure is called an octagon, etc.


Theorem 1:

In a convex polygon of n sides, the sum of the interior angles is equal to (2n – 4) right angles.


Theorem 2:

In a convex polygon of n sides, the sum of the exterior angles, sides produced in order, is equal to 4 right angles.

If ‘n’ be the number of sides.


Each interior angle = ((2n–4)/n) right angles.

Sum of all the interior angles of a polygon of n sides = (n – 2) × 180° where (n ≥ 3)


n = 3 (Triangle) ⇒ 180°

n = 4 (Rectangle) ⇒ 2 × 180° = 360°

n = 5 (Pentagon)  3 × 180° = 540°

n = 6 (Hexagon) 4 × 180° = 720°

Each interior angle of a regular polygon having n sides = ((n–2) × 180°)/n.


n = 3 (Triangle) ⇒(180°/3) = 60°

n = 4 (Rectangle) ((2×180°)/4) = 90°

n = 5 (Pentagon)  ((3×180°)/5) = 108°

n = 6 (Hexagon) ((4×180°)/6) = 120°

Sum of all the exterior angles formed by producing the sides of polygon = 360°

a + b + c + d + e + f = 360°


Number of sides of polygon = (360°) / 180° – each interior angle