
Conjunction Notes (Level-5)

Conjunction Study Notes


Types of conjunctions:


Coordinating conjunctions: Join two simple sentences, that is, sentences having only one verb. The conjunctions ‘and – but – or – otherwise – etc.’



  1. Fruits are delicious. Fruits are nutritious.

Fruits are delicious AND nutritious.


  1. The burger is tasty. It is very hot.

The burger is tasty BUT it is very hot.


  1. “Listen carefully. You will not follow it,” said the teacher.

“Listen carefully OTHERWISE you will not follow it,” said the teacher.


  1. You can have a cat for a pet. You can have a dog for a pet.

You can have a cat OR a dog for a pet.


Correlative conjunctions:

Conjunctions like ‘either – or, neither – nor, not only – (but) also, as well as’ are correlative conjunctions. They join words, groups of words or sentences.


  1. The lion is a dangerous animal. The lion is a fierce animal.

The lion is a dangerous AS WELL AS a fierce animal.

NOT ONLY is the lion a dangerous animal it is ALSO fierce.


  1. We may EITHER visit the Eiffel Tower OR the Champs Elysees.


  1. NEITHER did he call me NOR did he send a message.


Subordinating conjunctions:

Join phrases or clauses that are dependent to the main part of the sentence. The part of the sentence that is thus joined is known as the subordinate clause.

Words like because, since, as, hence, therefore are examples of this type.


  1. There is a butterfly on the flowers. The flowers are full of nectar.

There is a butterfly on the flowers BECAUSE they are full of nectar.

There is a butterfly on the flowers SINCE they are full of nectar.


  1. My friend received many gifts. He is very happy.

My friend received many gifts THEREFORE he is very happy.

My friend received many gifts SO/HENCE he is very happy.


Click here for Exercise-1



