Growing Plants Worksheet-1
Multiple-Choice Question:
(A) Seed coat (B) Cotyledon (C) None of these
(A) Stems (B) Roots (C) Cotyledons
Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):
Read More...Growing Plants Worksheet-2
a. All the seeds grow into new plants.
b. Plants and plant products meet our everyday needs.
c. Some seeds get destroyed because of insufficient air, water or warmth to grow.
d. The process by which a seed produces a baby plant is called germination.
e. The process by which a seed produces a baby plant is called pollination.
f. A baby plant absorbs nutrients and minerals from the soil with the help of its root.
Read More...Growing Plants Worksheet-3
Multiple-Choice Question:
(A) Soil (B) Flower (C) Stem
(A) Coconut (B) Lotus (C) Dandelion